Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Can't Take it Any Longer

I don't even know where to begin...I am absolutely livid. I love and respect Reagan so very much and have always looked up to his eleventh commandment. I, however, just finished watching the GOP debate in California at the Reagan Library and I can't hold back anymore.

I can't stand Romney....I can't...period. I cannot understand how anyone could respect this man. I had respect for him in the beginning. I have no doubt that he is a very bright man, who has worked very hard in his life. But I honestly cannot see where this man's heart is.

Tonight the four candidates on stage were asked if they thought Reagan (if alive) would endorse them today and why. Romney said "Absolutely he would..." and proceeded to give a LONG Romney answer as to why. How could you possible have the guts to say such a thing when you didn't even vote for Reagan when he was running for President? Look at the video: I just wanted to see Nancy's face as she listened in the audience.

And yes, running a business is difficult and he made progress in many aspects of his life, no doubt. But he honestly believes it makes him more fit to be president than the 22 years of service given by McCain, or the 5 years he got the crap kicked out of him, or the courage he had to risk his career and reputation by supporting the surge? Because that's the vibe Romney puts off...he somehow believes it makes him better.

And the pro-life issue...give me a break. McCain is pro-life and has a strong and consistent conservative record on that issue. Romney just 'out of the blue' changed his mind? I'm not saying you can't change your mind...but that type of change happens when you get married, have children, have grandchildren. At the age of 55, Romney still stood as pro-choice. See for yourself:

It's not only his lack of character, his flip flop, or his's his genuine heart towards humanity. I've never seen it. Not once have I ever felt this man had a heart...a sense of sympathy for a sick person, a sense of pride for the beautiful country in which we live, or the duty to put others above himself or work towards the greater good. When I saw this link I wanted to cry (

Watching the debate, a sense of anger welled up inside of me that I could not even voice. There sat Romney with a smirk on his face while he thought "I'm better than you"...sitting next to a man who gave 22 years of his life to fighting for our freedom, almost died while living five years as a POW, has served many years on our nations Senate, and who almost looks as though he is overcome with emotion when he speaks of how proud he is of the brave men and women fighting for our wonderful country.

It is character, moral, leadership, strict judgment, and love of this fabulous country in which we live that is necessary to lead this nation. This past summer, John Sydney McCain was DOA, and now, he is my miracle. Presidency is his destiny.

We will never surrender...we will stand strong...and we will see victory.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Web Ad: Democrats' Worst Nightmare

Hillary and Obama's worst NIGHTMARE!!

Sylvester Stallone Endorses John McCain!

Look who's endorsing McCain!!! Better than Chuck Norris don't you think?...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fox News Debate in The SC

Sen. Thompson had a very good showing this evening. The latest Fox News poll in South Carolina has Thompson very low at 9%. I don't know if he can come back from that, but this cycle has proven to not go by the conventional wisdom too much!

I thought more attacks against Sen. McCain would occur but I didn't see any that were very damaging. I would like to offer some very small advice....I think the Senator should put together a very brief 5 point plan on how he would deal with immigration. I know it is a difficult issue for him, but this may make criticism a bit more difficult for Gov. Romney. I would advice offering a olive branch to certain anti McCain segments around the conservative base. A Thompson endorsement would help. Sen. McCain needs to mention Jack Kemp, Super K, Richard V Allen, Tom Ridge, Frank Keating, James Woosley, etc. McCain has great endorsements...use them when the chance arises.

However, McCain leaves the debate in SC and has full day Friday of event in South Carolina with most of his momentum back. On NR's The Corner the writers were very happy for Thompson's debate so maybe we will see an uptick for him. The issue for Fred is that Gov. Hucabee is popular, and maybe he is a liberal on many polices, and a class warrior but it is hard to attack likability.

Gov. Romney offered a strong debate as well but the earth did not shift for him tonight. Ron Paul was as outspoken and unpopular as ever, and Rudy had a look of panic in his eye. I would not yet write him off yet.

Simply put, McCain is running a strong number one or two in the next two primary states, and nothing changed tonight.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Mac is back!!! Bring on Michigan!

McCain: A Nation of Courage, 2004 GOP Convention Speech

One of the best, most rousing, eloquent, moving heart felt speeches from Sen. McCain.

Monday, January 7, 2008


This video says it all. Sen. McCain is the man for the job. He is the man ready, prepared, and experienced to be our next President of the United States.

Friday, January 4, 2008


John McCain is an experienced conservative leader in the tradition of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan. He is a common sense conservative who believes in a strong national defense, a smaller, more accountable government, economic growth and opportunity, the dignity of life and traditional values.

Election 2008: What's at Stake?
America faces a dangerous, relentless enemy in the War against Islamic Extremists - We face an enemy that has repeatedly attacked us and remains committed to killing Americans and the destruction of our values. This election is about who is best prepared to lead and defend our nation and its global allies as Commander-in-Chief from day one. This election is about making sure we have the experienced leadership to guide us to victory in this war, protect the nation against future terrorist attacks, and support our troops and first responders who are on the frontlines of the war. This election will decide whether we choose to fight or announce surrender. It will decide whether we have a president who dangerously weakens U.S. security or strengthens it; whether we will flinch and retreat or fully engage the enemy on multiple fronts. We need decisive leadership with the vision and experience to guide our country and the world through this challenge. Having a courageous Commander-in-Chief who is willing to lead us in this war, rally our democratic allies and defeat our enemy to secure a broader peace is what's at stake in this election.

America is at an Economic Crossroads - Government spending is out-of-control. A Democrat elected President will join hands with a tax-and-spend Democratic Congress and subject Americans to enormous tax increases. Even now, the tax code is too complex and too burdensome. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid - the government's promises to seniors and those in need - must be modernized. Too many American workers are unprepared by non-performing schools and shackled by outdated government employment assistance programs.
America needs experienced leadership to guide the U.S. economy to greater prosperity, control government spending, keep taxes low, save Social Security and protect the American worker. Americans want a leader willing to offer straight talk and make the hard calls necessary to ensure a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. The long-term strength of our economy and financial stability of American households are what's at stake in this election.

Americans have lost faith and trust in their government - Americans have lost trust that their government and its elected officials will serve the Nation's interest and not their own. Special interests have too much influence in Washington. Americans want a courageous leader who will stand up to the trial lawyers and labor bosses and other special interests, govern by principle rather than political expedience, keep their promises, and solve problems instead of leaving them for our children. Restoring Americans' confidence in their government is what's at stake in this election.

Americans want judges who will strictly interpret the law and not legislate from the bench - The next president will appoint many federal judges and perhaps even a Supreme Court justice. The recent victory on partial birth abortion is an example of how important the Supreme Court is in protecting our values and interpreting the law as it is written. America needs a president who will provide strong moral leadership. A Democrat president will appoint judges who make law with disregard for the will of the people, but to the cheers of those advancing a liberal social agenda. America needs a leader who recognizes that that the people and states should decide what's best, not the courts. The future of the U.S. Supreme Court is what's at stake in this election.

What are the Bold Solutions?
Winning the War Against Islamic Extremists. Radical Islamic extremists are a relentless threat to America, its citizens, and the values we share. In the words of the al Qaeda leadership, Iraq is the central battleground of this war. We face a fork in the road. John McCain will pursue our opportunity for victory in Iraq, strengthen our hand in the larger war against Islamic extremists, and make our nation more secure. Democrats will fold our tents, embolden our enemies, throw the region into instability, and increase the risks faced on our home soil. To concede defeat now would strengthen al Qaeda, empower Iran and other hostile powers in the Middle East, unleash a full scale civil war in Iraq that could lead to genocide, and destabilize the entire region as neighboring powers come to the aid of their favored factions. John McCain is best prepared to lead and defend our nation and its global allies as Commander-in-Chief from day one. He has the experience and leadership to defeat our enemy and secure a broader peace.

Reforming Health Care for All Americans. Real reform will put families in the driver's seat of our health care system. The road to reform does not lead through Washington and a hugely expensive, bureaucratic, government-controlled system. John McCain will harness competition to offer more affordable insurance options for as many Americans as possible, leveraging the innovation and cost-effectiveness of our nation's firms to put an end to existing rigid, unfriendly bureaucracies. He will build a national market where insurance is more available, portable, and accessible across state lines; in which patients' rights are respected and their information under their control; and one in which people may save more in tax-exempt Health Savings Accounts. He will assist those who need help in getting private insurance.
John McCain will provide incentives for a national market - including the reimportation of pharmaceuticals - that offer greater transparency about effective patient care, options for preventative care and therapies, and prices so that competition makes it easier for families to navigate toward quality and low cost. He will demand reform to medical malpractice laws to curb abusive lawsuits that squeeze doctors, prevent innovation, and drive up the cost of health care. We need more transparency of prices and quality measures so that patients can make informed choices.

Reforming Government. Americans have lost trust that their government and its elected officials will serve the Nation's interest and not their own. Special interests have too much influence in Washington. John McCain will bring spending under control, veto wasteful, pork-barrel spending bills every time, and keep taxes low. He will reform a tax code that is too complex and too burdensome. John McCain will modernize Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. He will bring accountability, choice and competition to underperforming schools, so our children are equipped to take the best jobs of the 21st century. John McCain is the only leader willing to make the hard calls necessary to restore faith in our government and build a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.

John McCain...Courageous Service, Experienced Leadership, Bold Solutions.